Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. This is not philosophy. It is physics.   --Albert Einstein
Frequency Guided Coaching with Rae

Rae Leonard is an author and a frequency guided intuitive. Her areas of expertise that she draws on include Jivamukti Yoga, VortexHealing®, Conscious Language and Master Cleansing. 

She combines her coaching practice with a frequency device called Healy.

Healy analyzes the specific frequencies in the body that are causing imbalances and delivers exactly the frequencies needed to bring the body back into bioenergetic balance. 

Healy technology also offers an effortless way to change one’s subconscious programming, which is Rae’s most favored and rewarding way to work with the device! 

In your session you can either receive biofeedback to address specific physical issues or receive grounding frequencies that will assist you in diffusing the stresses of daily life. 

Alternatively we can focus on reaching higher states of consciousness by crafting your own personal prophecy and intention fueled with the feelings of your desires already manifested. 

When you are ready, we plug your intention into the quantum field where the sensor finds your subconscious triggers and chips away at them! Either option you choose you will leave feeling energized and refreshed with noticeable benefits arising long after our session ends.

Being a harmonized vibrational match to your desires allows you to consciously create your day and is the key to enjoying jubilant health, working in full optimization, living your full potential and easily being able to share your gifts with others. You will have stepped into the beingness of knowing your aspirations are already here in the present moment!

Email Rae with any questions and to book an introductory session for 199! Get in Touch
Get the Book: High Sobriety
Read and learn about the resources and techniques I've used to clear the past, flame smoldering superpowers, and unearth a carefully calibrated inner compass.

It may just propel you beyond the common mind-numbing, grab-and-go escapes and help you hone in on the essential gifts and birthrights we all possess. 

WARNING: Side effects include heightened intuition, crystal clarity, dimension skipping, limitless freedom, joy and jubilant health.

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